October, 2019 |
September, 2019 |
Fundraiser at Chipotle Mexican Grill |
Help raise money by eating at Chipotle on campus! Please tell them you're eating for UC Books to Prisoners fundraiser.
To RSVP and for more information, go to our Facebook event page |
January, 2019 |
Image source: Travis Stansel/Illinois Public Media
December, 2018 |
November, 2018 |
Trivia Night Fundraiser at Rafters
Monday, September 10 from 6-9 PM
We are hosting our second
Trivia Night Fundraiser!
Join us for five rounds of trivia
and help us raise funds!
To RSVP and for more information, go to our Facebook event page
April, 2018 |
Image source: Lee V. Gaines/Illinois Newsroom
April, 2018 |
February, 2018 |
Trivia Night Fundraiser at Pizza M
Thursday, February 22 from 7-10 PM
We are hosting our first
Trivia Night Fundraiser!
Join us for five rounds of trivia
and help us raise funds!
To RSVP and for more information, go to our Facebook event page
Oct, 2017 |
BTP Selects Rachel Rasmussen
as Volunteer Coordinator
Rachel Rasmussen brings to Books to Prisoners considerable experience in managing large groups of volunteers in the very demanding environment of an Illinois State Prison.
For five years, Rachel designed and managed processes that supported the work of many volunteers providing education services in the prison. She also has experience maintaining important community relationships for organizations.
Rachel will begin early in July and will overlap with our outgoing Volunteer Coordinator during the transition. Please join us in welcoming her.
Dec, 2016 |

Dear Supporter,
What is the best book you read this year? Have you ever contemplated what your life would be like if you didn’t have access to a good library or favorite bookstore? For thousands of men and women incarcerated in Illinois prisons, access to books is highly restricted, if available at all. Here at Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners we have a steady stream of volunteers, a community happy to share their used books, and the opportunity to pass those books along to readers incarcerated in the state. All we need from you is a little financial support to help pay for the postage.
At Books to Prisoners, we see books as the dynamite that can open minds, trigger a love of learning, and transform lives.
In addition to shipping books to inmates throughout Illinois, Books to Prisoners (an all-volunteer program) also runs a library in both Champaign County jails, providing the only consistent access to reading material those incarcerated in Champaign County have.Requests from prisoners are pouring in faster than ever, and we need your support to keep up!
Help us trigger the kinds of explosions that send folks home impassioned to learn and lead new lives. Your tax-deductible donation of $25 will purchase 6 dictionaries -- $100 will ship books from donation bins to the cells of 30 grateful readers.
Help Books to Prisoners put the power of books to work for a better future. Please help be a part of the solution! Click here to donate today.
Jay Schubert
Volunteer Coordinator |
Oct, 2016 |
LAS Council BTP Fundraiser
On October 19, 2016 LAS Council
held a
Donut and Coffee sale fundraiser
to raise money for Books to Prisoners.
The funds raised will help us pay for
the shipping of books to people who
otherwise would not have access.
LAS Council offers undergraduates in the
college opportunities to discuss and gain
insight into campus and college issues,
and attail leadership experiences.
Oct, 2016 |
Common Ground Food Co-Op
Round Up Month for BTP
October 2016
During the month of October 2016
BTP is the
recipient of the
Common Ground
Food Co-op
Round Up Program.
Support both organizations by
shopping at
Common Ground
adding a few dollars
or cents
to your purchase to benefit BTP.
Common Ground Food Co-op
Jan, 2016 |
APO Volunteers
APO students share their
Urban Champaign
Books to Prisoners
Jan, 2016 |
Jan, 2015 |
Featured in Illinois Library
Associations Magazine
Our sister project, The Three R's, which supplies books
to prison libraries from closeby their 24 locations in Illinois,
is proud to report on a significant article written by a Carbondale
chapter member, Diana Brawley Sussman,
the regional librarian for the public library in
Carbondale. You can see it and read it here
This article has alerted Illinois librarians to the 3Rs project, and allowed them to offer their services to prison libraries.
Learn more about the 3R's Project on their website
Sept, 2014 |
10 Years & 100,000 Books Celebration
Saturday September 20, 2014 5-7pm
Please join us to celebrate 10 years and 100,000 books.
We could not have reached this milestone without all of our volunteers past and present and we want to celebrate with you. A light dinner will be provided, founding BTP members will be telling origins tales, music will be provided by BTP volunteer librarian Frances Harris' band Don't Ask, and book related prizes will be raffled off.
Don't miss this chance to celebrate with friends old and new..
Apr, 2014 |
Mar, 2014 |
Phi Beta Lambda Volunteering with BTP
Members of the Phi Beta Lambda visited Books to Prisoners this month.
Contact us to learn about hosting a group from your church or community organization.

Feb, 2014 |
International Book Giving Day
Friday, Feb 14 8am - 5pm
Celebrate International Book Giving day on Friday, Feb 14 by giving a book to a Prisoner.
Below is a list of popular books we can't keep in stock. We invite you to check your book shelves
(or your friends' shelves) for these books or consider purchasing and donating them to our organization.
Please bring donations to the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center at 202 S. Broadway, Urbana, IL. next to Lincoln Square Mall. When volunteers are not present to receive your donation, books can be placed in the donation bin in our lobby between 8am-5pm on 2/14/14.
1) English as a Second Language books any level
2) Books written in Spanish
3) General books about the legal system and prisoner rights (as opposed to law books)
6) "How to" Drawing and Art Instruction
Thank you for your continued to support
Nov, 2013 |
New Covenant Fellowship Youth Group Volunteering with BTP
Members of the New Covenant Fellowship Youth Group visited Books to Prisoners and learned about prisons while responding to some letters from inmates. Contact us to learn about hosting a group from your church or community organization.

Aug, 2013 |

Illini Union Office of Volunteer Programs

Learn about Books to Prisoners
at the U of I Volunteer Fair
U of I Students get ready to come learn more about Books 2 Prisoners. We will have a booth at the U. of I. Volunteer Fair on Thursday, Sept, 19, 2013 from 10am-2pm held at the Illini Union in conference rooms: A, B and C.
Thurs, Sep 19 2013
Illini Union 1401 W. Green St Urbana, IL
Conference Rooms: A, B and C
10am - 2pm
April, 2013 |

Help us Promote this sale
Download & Circulate Flyers: 4 x 4 | 8.5 x 11
Jan, 2013 |
Oct 2012 |

Book Drive completed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publisher
holds successful book drive for BTP
This effort resulted in collecting 832 books,
including 30 hard to find Urban Fiction titles
Thank you Mary & Houghton Mifflin Harcourt!
If your organization would like to help BTP
collect books for our program, let us know
by using the contact form on the Contact Us
page of our web site.

Oct 5-7, 2012 |
Aug 30, 2012 |

Please join us for related programs:
September 25, 7pm: Prisons in the Media
October 9, 5pm: Danville Writers' Symposium
October 23, 7pm: Shakespeare at Danville, screening at IPRH building
October 30, 7pm, Families of the Incarcerated, held at IPRH building
Download Flyer
Beyond Lines - Aug 30
News Bureau coverage of this Event
Featured art work produced by incarcerated artists at Danville Correctional Center, a men's medium-high security Illinois state prison. Co-Sponsored by UC Books to Prisoners.
Students of the University of Illinois' Education Justice Project organized the exhibition and produced the accompanying catalogue. Their goals incude challenging popular assumptions about "prison art" and stereotypes about incarcerated people generally.
They warmly invite you to attend the exhibit and related events, which will be shared with the men at the prison via video.
June, 2012 |
Common Ground Food Co-Op
Round Up Month for BTP
June 2012
During the month of June 2012
UC BTP is the
recipient of the
Common Ground Food Co-op
Round Up Program.
Support both organizations by
shopping at
Common Ground
adding a few dollars
or cents
to your purchase to benefit BTP.
Common Ground Food Co-op
May, 2012 |
Volunteer Librarians Needed
UC Books to Prisoners stocks, staffs and operates
lending libraries in Champaign County's two jails.
We are looking for a few more book-loving people
willing to support the common good. Time
commitment is less than three hours per month.
Summer and year-round volunteer positions
No experience necessary.
Jail Library Hours of Operation:
Monday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
For more information
contact Doris (217) 714-4425
March 11, 2012 |
BTP Receives 2012 McKinley Foundation
Community Organization Social Justice Award

Winners of the McKinley Foundation's Social Justice Awards were honored at a celebration at the foundation in Champaign. Front row, from left, are Rebecca Ginsburg of the Education Justice Project, which won the campus organization award; Jill McClary of Engineers Without Borders, which also won the campus organization award; Lolita Dumas of Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners, which won the community organization award; state Sen. Mike Frerichs, D-Champaign; and Aaron Ammons, who won the community individual award. Back row, from left, are Champaign County Board Chairman C. Pius Weibel, who won the lifetime achievement award; Kurt Gibson of the Education Justice Project; McKinley Foundation Executive Director Keith Harris; and Frank Migliarese, winner of the campus individual award. Photo: News-Gazette.
The McKinley Presbyterian Foundation has selected Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners to honor as the community organization winner of this year's Social Justice Awards.
The awards were presented earlier this month at a dinner and reception.
Each year, the foundation honors two individuals and two organizations that have worked to help raise awareness of injustice issues and made significant strides to improve life for those who have received unfair treatment.
This year, five $500 awards were made because there were so many excellent student organizations, and McKinley Presbyterian Church chose to sponsor an extra award, said Jane Cain, a development committee member.
November 2011 |

Welcome Doris, UC Books to Prisoners'
Jail Library Chair for 2011 / 2012
Doris Anderchak
BTP 2011 / 2012 Jail Library Chair |
As our Jail Library Chair, Doris will coordinate the
committes activities including new volunteer recruitment & registration, staffing schedules, process improvement and collection maintenance.
Doris grew up In Chicago but has lived most of her adult life in Seattle, WA. She moved to Central Illinois a few years ago to live closer to family. She finds Champaign Urbana a lovely and interesting community that has been easy to consider her new home.
Doris is a master level counselor specializing in disability issues and has considerable experience in the area of brain and spinal cord injury. Currently she wants to invest her time and energy into volunteer work and is especially grateful to be a part of Books To Prisoners and a member of the IMC. She feels very passionate about the goals of the program, and very much enjoys meeting so many bright, dedicated and interesting people involved in B2P. “I am happy to be part of this tribe.” |
August 2011 |

Welcome Lolita Dumas, UC Books to Prisoners'
Volunteer Supervisor for the Americorps 2011 / 2012 program year
UC BTP Selects Lolita Dumas
Volunteer Supervisor
A native of Chicago, Lolita M. Dumas has been a member of the Champaign-Urbana community since 1991. She has worked most recently for the non-profit Family Advocacy in Champaign County (FACC) and, before that, for the Department of Children and Family Services.
In her free time, she has worked with the ACCESS initiative in their community wide effort to reduce the number of young people entering the corrections system. Ms. Dumas served on the interim-governing board of ACCESS that was responsible for the hiring of the current administrative team and has continued her participation with ACCESS as a member of the Cultural Competence Linguistic Committee.
Ms. Dumas holds a Masters of Social Work and has taught as an adjunct professor in the University of Illinois School of Social Work. She has 2 children, Reginald and LaTianna, who are both students at Urbana High School.
May 28, 2011 |
UC BTP Presents:
A Day at Stateville
(a play written by men serving
natural life in Stateville Prison
Saturday, May 28 2011
Event includes:
- Performance
- Discussion
- Potluck dinner
(bring a dish to share)
download pdf
May 2011 |
Prison Arts Festival
Monday May 2nd 7-9 pm
Event includes:
- Art work from inmates at the
Danville prison
- Guest speaker Gregory Koger who is
a formerly incarcerated individual of 20 years
- A short film screening
April 2011 |
March Newsletter Available
Read about the Common Ground Food Coop Roundup,
recent volunteer activitiy
and how we have been
connecting with our community this Winter. Read the March Newsletter
March 2011 |
Common Ground Food Co-Op
Round Up Month for BTP
March 2011
During the month of March 2011
UC BTP is the
recipient of the
Common Ground Food Co-op
Round Up Program.
Support both organizations by
shopping at
Common Ground
adding a few dollars
or cents
to your purchase to benefit BTP.
Common Ground Food Co-op
January 17 2011 |
November 2010 |
UC Books to Prisoners November Newsletter
The second installment of our newsletter
is available, please have a look
View Newsletter
- Volunteer Spotlight
- BTP in our Community
- Generosity & Thankfulness
Oct 1-3 2010 |
Help us Promote this sale
Download & Circulate Flyers: 4x4 | 8.5x11
August 2010 |
UC Books to Prisoners selects
Samantha Copeland as
Outreach Coordinator

Samantha is a native of Chicago who lived
in Alabama for ten years. She comes from a large family that believes strongly in service.
Samantha holds a masters degree in Urban Planning from the University of Illinois and recently served as a project manager for a water project in Cameroon , Africa. For the coming year she will be working with Books to Prisoners in the areas of staff development, communications and fund raising.
Join us in welcoming Samantha in her new
role with UC Books to Prisoners
March 2010 |
January 18 2010 |
Martin Luther King Jr.
Day of Service
Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners
will be holding a special public volunteer
session on
Monday, January 18 from 1-3 PM.
Join us in honoring
the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
View photos from last years day of service event
October 20 2009 |
Yvette Scheven
Volunteer Yvette Scheven
honored by RSVP
RSVP, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
honors BTP volunteer Yvette Scheven with
Service to an Overlooked Community award
at their volunteer luncheon held Oct 20, 2009.
Yvette is one of BTP's most active members
and one of the first people new volunteers are
likely to meet on their initial visit. Three days
a week Yvette is in our workshop helping to
make our program successful
by providing
orientations and a warm welcome to all who
volunteer with us.

October 5th 2009 |
UC Books to Prisoners selects
Judith Pond as Outreach Coordinator
As the Books to Prisoners outreach coordinator, Judith will be responsible for scheduling, supervising, and planning programming for community groups that are interested in volunteering with BTP.
Read More

October 2009 |
Help us Promote this sale
Download & Circulate Flyers: 4x4 | 8.5x11 |
Pages for Pennies
Fall Book Sale 2009
October 2-4 2009
202 S. Broadway Ave Urbana IL
Friday 4-8pm
Saturday 8-5pm
Sunday 10am-2pm*
$0.50 soft covers, $1 hardbacks
*Bag Sale Sunday
(fill a bag for $4)
May 2009 |
Friends on Facebook
Facebook Members can
become a fan of UC BTP
Connect with other BTP volunteers
Get occasional news updates
hear about
new volunteer opportunities
Share photos
We currently have over 100 fans, are you one?
April 3-5 2009 - Spring Book Sale |
Pages for Pennies
Spring Book Sale 2009
a Huge Success!
April 3-5 2009
Thank you to the many volunteers
& community members who supported our
Spring book sale.
We raised more than $4,000.00
which will be used primarily to pay for
on packages sent to inmates
during the next six months.
February 2009 |
January 19 2009 |
In honor of the
Presidential Inauguration
Day of Service
called for by the Obama Inauguration Team
in honor of Martin Luther King Day
Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners
held open work hours on
Monday, January 19 from 2-4 PM.
About 30 volunteers joined us in honoring
the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
View Pictures
October 2008 |

Thousands of high quality books will be offered to the public for pennies on the dollar.
Don't miss this opportunity to support our organization and get some great deals. |

Friday 4-8pm
Saturday 8:30am-6pm
Sunday 11am-2:30pm
(bag sale 1-2:30 on Sunday)
the IMC Building (Downtown Urbana Post Office)
202 S. Broadway Urbana IL
June 6-8 2008 |


the IMC Building (Downtown Urbana Post Office)
202 S. Broadway Urbana IL
Friday Jun 6 |
Special Preview |
3 PM - 9 PM |
$2.00 admission |
Saturday Jun 7 |
Open to the Public |
8 AM - 4PM |
Free |
Sunday Jun 8 |
Bag Sale Day |
11 AM - 2 PM |
$2.00 / bag |
Preview |
Be the first to browse thousands of quality books. |
Bag Sale |
Fill a standard grocery bag with books for just $2.00 (no limit) |
Holidays 2007 |

Are you looking for a meaningful gift to give your
and family this holiday season?
Why not consider buying a book to send to an inmate in an
or jail in honor of your loved one?
Books to Prisoners will use your donation to buy books to
add to the Champaign County Jail Libraries or to
send to an inmate in an Illinois prison.
More information
November 2007 |
National Conference
of Prison Book Projects
November 2-4 2007
Hosted by U.C. Books to Prisoners
Urbana IL
This was the second National
gathering of prison book projects.
The conference catered to the
of established book programs
well as emerging groups.
More information
Friday Sept 28 - Sunday Sept 30 2007 |
Pages for Pennies
Book Sale
September 28 - 30 2007
Thanks to the support of our community
this was our most successful book sale to date
we raised almost $4,000.00
for postage
the IMC Building (Downtown Urbana Post Office)
202 S. Broadway Urbana IL
Friday Sept 28: noon - midnight
Saturday Sept 29: 7:00 AM - midnight
Sunday Sept 30: 11 - 6 PM
($2.00 for a bag of books!)
Sunday 2- 6 or when we sell out!
Volunteer Opportunites:
Contact April adiaz25@uiuc.edu
April 2007 |
Prisoner art from Captured Words, Free Thoughts 2007
3rd Annual Zine Released
UC Books to Prisoners accepts
inmate art and writing and publishes
an annual review.
This year, we focus on works by local
inmates from Champaign County and
Illinois prisons.
Download a copy from our site:
Inmate Publications
Friday April 20 - Saturday April 21 2007 |
Click to view flyer
Prison Arts Festival
Second Annual Prison Arts Festival
Art Opening & Dancing to Desafinado
Friday 8:00 PM
Film Screening: Mario's Story
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Town Forum: Schools-to-prisons pipeline
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Poetry Reading & Hip Hop Celebration
7:00 PM - Late
All Events FREE & at you IMC
202 S. Broadway Urbana IL
Thursday April 12 - Monday April 16 2007 |
Pages for Pennies Book Sale
Huge Success!
Thanks to the support of the Champaign Urbana
Community, we had our most successful book sale yet.
From April 12 - 16th we held our
Spring book sale
raising over $3,300
This money will allow us to continue with our operations
and covers approximately six months of our expenses.
Saturday March 10th 2007 |
Volunteers load books into their new home
click to enlarge |
UC BTP Opens 2nd Jail Library
UC Books to Prisoners has opened a new library
in the Urbana IL "Satellite Jail" facility.
Like the library in the downtown jail, this new
library is stocked with books, donated by the
community and staffed by UC Books to Prisoners
Services are scheduled to begin on March 16th
You can participate, to find out how
send us a message.
Pages for Pennies:
A Book Sale to Benefit Books to Prisoners
We'd love to invite you out for our Spring Book Sale! Proceeds from this book sale go towards shipping costs and dictionaries, the only books we actually buy for our inmates.
Pages for Pennies will be held at the IMC Building, 202 S. Broadway, in Urbana, Illinois (the old post office). If you'd like to volunteer for the book sale, please contact Susan Bruce, our coordinator for the sale.
Thursday, April 12 - 4pm-9pm
Friday, April 13 - 12pm-9pm
Saturday, April 14 - 10am-5pm
Sunday, April 15 - 10am-5pm
Monday, April 16 - 10am-12pm |
Please come out to support Books To Prisoners!
All books are half price on Monday the 16th.
Febuary 2007 |
Book Fair to Benefit UC BTP
On Saturday Feb 10th 2007 Barnes & Noble hosted a Book Fair
to benefit UC Books to Prisoners.
Barnes & Noble donated a portion of their sales when
a coupon was presented at the time of the purchase.
November 2006 |
Romp-Stomp 2
Saturday November 11th
8:00 PM - on
A cultural showcase
to benefit the IMC & Books to Prisoners
Aaron Ammons
Greg Spero Trio
DJ Limbs
and Mysery Guests
November 2006 |
Fall Book Sale
Wed Nov 8th -
Mon Nov 13th
In the Sun Room at the IMC
202 S. Broadway Urbana

You can help us: Promote the Sale
Setup / Staff the Sale / Tear Down
Sign up for a shift today! |
January 2006 |
Slam-Jam Romp-Stomp
a huge success!
On Saturday Jan 28th 2006 more than 300 people
from our community packed the IMC for a night of poetry, radical cheerleading and music to benefit
U.C. Books to Prisoners and the Urbana
Champaign Independent Media Center. |
At this event, we were also able to raise $100 in donations to help rebuild the Louisiana Books 2 Prisoners project, whose operations were decimated by Hurricane Katrina.
December 2005 |
Your Alternative
Holiday Gifts
In December 2005 raised
more than $700,
enabling us to
purchase over 70 dictionaries and many other
and hard to find books for inmates.
These books were distributed between individual inmates
in the Illinois Department of Corrections as well as the
Urbana jail library. |
October 2005 |
Your Support of our Book Sale
in October 2005
approximately $2,900
which covers
more than six months of our operating
Thanks to the continual amazing support of our
community, our organization is growing quickly.
September 2005 |
Urbana Jail Lending Library Launched
Working in conjunction with the Champaign
Jail and Sherriff's office, books2prisoners
for thousands of books donated by the
to be used to stock a formerly
underutilized library
in the downtown
Urbana jail.
We have since begun staffing the library with
volunteer community labor and providing library services six times a month to hundreds of inmates. The inmate and community responses to this project have been overwhelminly positive. We currently employ more than twenty volunteers and are planning to duplicate this initiative at other locations. More details to come soon...